read across america week

This week, February 28 through March 4, we will be celebrating READING and READ Across America Week with some dress up days and activities at school!  Please see the attached flyer for more details!! 

In conjunction with Read Across America Week, the PWH PTO is also sponsoring a Book Drive to help teachers update their classroom libraries.  If you have any gently used books that you would like to donate for classroom use at either school, please do!!  Books can be dropped off at either school office.  Attached is a flyer with more details.  Thank you PWH PTO!!

Read Across America Spirit Week:

Monday, February 28:  Let's celebrate that reading is AMAZING and so are YOU!  Dress in your favorite outfit, what makes you, you!
Tuesday, March 1: Let's celebrate that reading can be WILD! Dress in animal print or your western wear. (flannel, boots, etc.)
Wednesday, March 2: Let's celebrate that reading is RELAXING!  Dress in your vacation clothes! (sweatpants, sunglasses, hats, etc.)
Thursday, March 3: Let's celebrate that reading is ACTIVE! Dress up in your favorite sports/activewear.
Friday, March 4 (No School):  Even though there's no school, you can still celebrate reading by staying in your pajamas and curling up with a good book or whenever you get the chance!!  Feel free to find a family member, friend, stuffed animal, or pet and read to/with them indoors or out!!  We would love to see pictures of your child reading on Friday!!  Please share!!